School Photos - NASSD Rug Activity
Lynn-Urquides is celebrating Native American Heritage Month! Our librarian Patsy Corday set up a comprehensive display of Native American books and artifacts for students. She also brought in Native American Student Services Instructional Specialist Feliciana Martinez and MTSS Facilitator Sydney Holiday to guide 4th grade students in Native American rug drawing. Ms. Martinez, a member of the Pascua Yaqui Tribe, first engaged students in a discussion about tribes in the Tucson area. She showed examples of rugs woven by Native American weavers and highlighted the stories in the patterns.
School Photos - Grandparents Day
Grandparents visited their grandchildren at Lynn-Urquides to celebrate Grandparent's Day. Refreshments and cookies were served!

School Photos - Opening Day

School Photos - Coding Fun
Lynn-Urquides 1st graders have been using coding mice to learn how to code!

School Photos - Spring Festival

School Photos - Chinese New Year Parade
Lynn Urquides Elementary held our annual Chinese New Year Parade, immersing students in the vibrant traditions of Chinese culture. In a unique blend of education and excitement, our school promotes literacy by organizing a reading competition between classes, with the winning class earning the honor of leading the parade while carrying the beautiful dragon in celebration of the Chinese New Year festivities.
